Interested in PhD research on the Cosmos, Earth or Anthroposphere?

The Big Picture - Our Mission


Humanity faces grand challenges such as resource depletion, climate change, and insecurity about future energy supply. The mission of our Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences (VISESS) at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy is to address these challenges through inter- and trans-disciplinary academic research connecting the cosmos with planets & atmospheres including its environments and with the anthroposphere. We aim our students to become world-leading experts in either of these three branches while also confidently communicate and contribute across all three branches. We want our school to become a central place in the heart of Europe for training and as a resource of knowledge about our place in space and time.

Earthrise. Taken by astronaut William Anders, Apollo 8. (NASA)




Join the Big Picture Seminar session on "Career Perspectives" on Tuesday, 06.12.2022, 14:00-17:00, Hörsaal 1 2A120 1.OG UZA II Geo-Zentrum


International research team modelled astronomically driven climate fluctuations in the Earth's history - paleoclimate researcher Jan Landwehrs from...


VISESS is currently announcing 2 PhD positions in the branches 'Cosmos' and 'Earth'. Apply until 30 November 2022!



Join the VISESS-wide PhD Welcome to get introduced to the doctoral school and connect with other students and supervisors!


The Astrophysicists Prashin Jethwa and Laurane Freour (VISESS branch "Cosmos") were part of the winning team "Vienna_Vision" at the UNIVIE-Hackathon


Apply until 7 September and develop digital solutions for societal challenges from 19 till 21 September 2022!